Changing physical appearance with mind techniques

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tips for Creating Change (Part 1)

  • Persist - don’t give up!
This may seem obvious, but when results don’t seem to be showing, remember that they are just beneath the surface. Just as a germinating seed, it takes a while for the seed to sprout above the soil. From the time it’s planted in the ground, the seed needs nurturing and special care. You have to water it everyday, expose it to sunlight, and make sure that it stays unharmed. Like a seed about to sprout, your thoughts cause your appearance to change into what you desire. But those changes won’t happen unless you feed them and give them your attention every day.

  • Create a visualization routine
A great way to assure that you will persist with your visualization is to create a routine. Now, this practice doesn’t have to be a strict routine in any sense, rather a block of structured time to focus on the change you have in mind. Use the time as a reminder and a direction, don’t feel as if you must use it as a definite guide. Personally, I like to reserve 15 minutes for visualization each morning upon waking. During this time, I imagine my bone cells expanding and shifting shape, or simply how it feels having wider set and larger eyes. Sometimes I like to imagine myself with these eyes in different situations. It gives me a lot of positive energy and encouragement to feel the happiness that having these eyes brings me!

  • Make an inspiration board
Also called a vision board, this will give you inspiration for your change. Create a collage of examples of your desired feature. Look at this every day to provide inspiration and focus. Know that soon, you will be calling these features your own! Maybe you will assemble a collection of images to set as your desktop wallpaper. You could make a tumblr page with photos of people with the desired traits. Or perhaps a physical collage of magazine clippings would be what works best for you.

  • Find a support system
This is one of the reasons why I began this blog. My intention is for it to allow people with similar the goals to exchange advice and offer mutual support. Having a coach or a mentor is great for your progress. You just may meet one here in the comments section! If anything, I hope that I will act as a mentor to guide you.


  1. I will join you with the journey !
    Im so excited !

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you for your comment! I am excited to share the journey with you too. As this blog has just gotten started, I will post more tips and advice for changing your appearance.

      It delights me that you are joining in the journey!

      Love, strength, and support,


  2. This is great! I have the same goal as you, to have larger eyes, and this is inspiring me greatly! Thank you:)

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you for visiting my blog! It's always nice to hear about someone with the same goal. I will be publishing more posts about eyes and chaining their physical dimensions. Check back soon and hopefully you will find something to help you!

      Take care and sending you positive energy,


  3. wow that's really amazing i though i am the only one who wondered about hypnosis and appearnce change . inspiration <33 so did you succed now it's 2013 , can i please email you so you can share your wonderfull experience with me :) i'd like to change my nose and my face shape .



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