Changing physical appearance with mind techniques

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Helpful Links

Hello Readers,

Today I've found two good websites for anyone seeking clear instructions about how to visualize their desired change. These two pages reference specifically to those seeking to grow taller, but the steps can be used to visualize other physical changes as well.


How to grow taller with any age
How to perform grow taller meditation
Zixia's Growing Taller Method

Some helpful blogs:
My First Inch - My Growing Taller Journey
My Grow Taller Journey
Grow taller with me and change your life

Please share your progress, other readers and myself would love to hear your method and any advice.

Take care and wishing you the best in achieving your goals.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Back from a hiatus!

Dear Readers,

Though there haven't been any new posts since last month, I am now back and enthusiastic to provide you with new information and keep you updated on my own progress.

I will admit that my consistence during the past few weeks hasn't been the best, and I haven't been visualizing as frequently and as consistently as I did in the beginning. Nevertheless, it pleases me to say that I have made mental progress - the reality of my facial bones changing form has grown stronger in my consciousness and these beliefs are being reinforced every day. My image of the look I would like to possess has grown much clearer and more definite. My method has evolved, and in this post, you will read how.

One text that has influenced me a lot is "It Works" R.H. Jarrett. This small book was written in the 1920s and gives very concise instructions about how to attain anything you wish. You can find a free online copy here.
  1. Make a list as mentioned in "It Works". Become very specific about what you want, make a clear list and look at it three times a day - morning, daytime, and night. When you read this list, your subconscious mind takes hold of these desires and works to bring them to physical reality. Whenever I read my list, I try to feel grateful and happy about each item, as if I possess/experience all of them. With this list, it's helped me to list smaller (but urgent) goals towards the top of the list. I also make sure to give myself ample time to see them through. For instance, my goal for my eyes is 4mm wider on each side by 22 November 2012.
  2. Visualize morning and night for 15-20 minutes. I feel a tingling sensation and light pressure in the areas of my face where my eyes are moving into position (sorry if that came out oddly in this language!) Visualizations in the day have also been helpful for me when I feel especially motivated. I like to think of it this way : some days, I may feel more motivated or have more time to put towards the accomplishment of my physical change goals. So on those days I take advantage of my mental state and visualize for longer periods and with more intensity than usual. Those days balance out the times when my focus wanders.
  3. When I visualize, I sometimes use the recordings of Zixia or Victoria Wizell (search "Victoria Wizell grow taller" on Google.) Though they are specified towards growing taller, I apply them to changing my facial bone structure, particularly the shape and size of my eye sockets and nasal bridge. I have found that listening to these hypnosis recordings help me stay focused and often put me in a hypnotic trance quicker.
  4. Keep track of your progress with a calendar. I write the days I have visualized (ideally every day!) on a calendar. This way I can see how much I've put into my goal and can see when and if I get off track, such as last month. Seeing my effort on paper really solidifies how much I want this and how I must discipline myself I am going to get there.
When a doubtful thought comes to mind, it is much, much easier and more natural for me to switch it into a positive one. For instance, when I feel down about my current appearance and think how unhappy I feel looking this way, I quickly remind myself that my new face - with its beauty and balanced proportions - is on its way! I tell myself that I should be thankful and happy that it is happening, that progress and physical growth is occurring every day, and that with each time I visualize, my dream is within closer reach. I remind myself that I have put the effort into learning about the mind, visualizing, and becoming very clear about my desires. It's natural to become impatient when you are waiting for something, but it is good to know that it is still coming, and that it's only been two months.

I also remind myself of the other things I have accomplished in my life, especially those that would have been deemed as "impossible" by the majority of people.

Believe in yourself - don't ever let anyone else tell you what you can and cannot do.

Best wishes to all,



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