Changing physical appearance with mind techniques

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Believe and See, See and Believe

Dear Readers,

In today's post, allow me to share with you another technique to strengthen your mental image and to further convince yourself of possessing (or receiving) your desired traits. All you will need is an image editor, such as Photoshop or (free online!) And of course, some knowledge of how to use these programs will be helpful as well.

What you can do is edit your photos to show yourself with the ideal change you are seeking. This technique has been used for weight loss, where it invokes the desired result into an individual's mind. Seeing yourself with the desired change makes it much more vivid and believable to your mind.

Miracle Story: Joseph Pierce Farrell, Manifesting Michelangelo

Joseph Pierce Farrell is an American consciousness-based healer. He has successfully healed patients of facial deformities, rejuvenated skin for a more youthful appearance, and bone fractures - all through using consciousness! His book, Manifesting Michelangelo, is a testimony to his success in treatment and the discoveries he has made in the field of energy healing. There are numerous videos of his interviews on Youtube, and you can also visit his website for more information about his work.


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