Changing physical appearance with mind techniques

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Write a list...

...of all your desires! Get specific, and list as many things as you can think of, or just as many that feel good for you. Include EVERYTHING you would like to see change, down to the smallest of details.

Somehow, writing things down (or typing them!) plants an even deeper seed in your subconscious. Come back to this list whenever it feels good, or whenever you happen to find it again. You will be reminding your conscious mind of what it is you desire.

Something else for those of you who enjoy artistic pursuits: DRAW, PAINT, SCULPT, etc. your ideal body or face! Maybe you will put your creation in a place where you will see it often, maybe you will produce many works or just one that really evokes joy in you. You will give energy to what you desire, and this practice will also help give you clarity about what it is you want. Of course, the act of creating is always a joy in itself as well. :)

It is my sincere belief that someday, people will be able to, through their own inner power, change their physical appearance, health, and that physical "aging" will be a thing of the past. ;)

Hypnosis for a more curvaceous silhouette

This article, published in 2007 by Daily Mail Online, explains how hypnosis has been able to help women increase their breast size. It mentions how removing psychological blocks encouraged growth, as well as how the hypnosis process was of great benefit to these women's self-esteem and psychological outlook. What wonderful things to gain!


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