Changing physical appearance with mind techniques

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A great forum and success stories!

Hello again everyone,

I just wanted to mention some great resources that you may find helpful during the process. Hopefully you will find these sources of knowledge as helpful as I have!

First, if you don't already know about it, the law of attraction based forum, Powerful Intentions, has an excellent group called "Changing Physical Appearance." This is a great forum in general - lots of good vibes, encouragement, and an overall positive and welcoming atmosphere. The "Changing Physical Appearance" group is geared towards those who are looking to exchange stories and advice about how to go about growing taller, changing body parts, weight, coloring, etc. This group has given me a lot of inspiration and tips. It is one of the sources of inspiration for this blog as well.

Within "Changing Physical Appearance", a member named Ewerson Jahara compiled a great collection of success stories from across the web. You can view the page here. Take some time to read these and be sure to bookmark this page! It will come in handy for those times when you need some inspiration or encouragement.

Have a blessed day and stay happy while awaiting your change,



  1. Hello Becoming Beautiful!
    Just thought I should pop by and say hello!
    I'm apart of PI and the CPA group.

    1. Hello Wasp,

      Thank you for stopping by, it's always pleasant to hear from fellow PI members. I hope that this blog will inspire/be of assistance to you.

      Stay positive and happy manifesting,




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